Saturday, January 9, 2010

All Hail Ke$ha.

So y'all have heard of Ke$ha by now, right? She's the dirty pop girl with the songs that refuse to leave your cranium. Right now, she has the top 2 songs on the iTunes download chart, and her debut album is poised to enter the Billboard 200 albums chart at #1. But.....who is she? You might recognize her voice from Flo Rida's "Right Round"...yep that was her. Now, you can't turn on the radio (people still listen to radios?) without hearing "TiK ToK."

I think what makes her so appealing, is that she really speaks to our generation. She's the girl that ends up in all the pictures by the end of the party. She's the girl that kills the keg stand. She's the girl sandwiched between her girlfriends grinding to some bass-heavy auto-tuned rap song. She's the typical 22-year-old girl, exaggerated for show. I feel like I know Ke$ha. And I'm ready for a "Party at a Rich Dude's House." Plus, she vommed in Paris Hilton's closet, which is pretty epic.

So I'm ready to learn more about this girl. And i'm def rocking out to her album. And the bitch is just out to have FUN. Pass the red bull and vodka.


Anonymous said...

the beauty of melodyne. this is atrocious. tell me you think she can sing and I'll tell you you're LYING. what a joke.