Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Oh, Look. The VMAs are on.

With the MTV Video Music Awards quickly approaching us, I present you with my favorite performances of the last couple years...

I mean. Duh. Chick tore it up. This performance was at the peak of Brit's popularity and success, and this solidified her stance as a pop phenom. No one will ever top this groundbreaking performance. The 2000 VMAs was totally Britney's bitch. I, of course, mean the prison-sense of the word.

Oh, hey Post-American Idol Kelly Clarkson. How are you? Wow, you're awfully angsty. What happened to being "Thankful" and realizing what "The Trouble with Love Is." Kelly. Calm down. You're screaming in my ear. But it sounds so good! What's this jump thing we've got going on? I dunno, but it's irresistible. The Kelly we know and love was introduced on that stage. Ryan Seacrest, what?

First of all, this is like my favorite B track. Second of all, I truly believe she's one the best performers out there today. Her vocals are strong. Her dancing is sick. And she straight up puts her all into this performance. Passionate, exciting, and powerful. And you know I'm a sucker for long, flowing trenchcoats and killer backbends.

The Ultimate VMA Performance. There's not much more to say. Except that I wish I was on stage with them. In the middle. Pushing Christina off the stage. Doing an ad lib solo...........Yes, I've thought of this. Several times. Planned out in my mind............I'm gonna go now.